Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Rain That Kept Us Cool

In the summers gone by, to my precious Lord I would cry
As the thunder would roll and the lightning would sever the sky
In the corner fearful was I, on my knees left to wonder why
Reluctant to calm the storm for my sake seemed the One on High

The summer days were so warm, in spite of the many storms
So sweet the aftershowers, but in mist mosquitoes would swarm
Mother said we needed the rain, but on this point I was torn
I couldn't enjoy the summer when staying in was the norm

And then, as if my prayers were merely delayed over years
On my block, the pillars of gray have ceased from shedding their tears
A summer I can enjoy; I haven't seen this much sun in years
I now know my prayers were heard and that He cares for my fears

The days are still so warm here, the blazing sun never hides
Still, with no lightning to frighten, all the people are outside
Summer in Augusta, Georgia; the tropics have finally dried
...As of July twenty-some-odd, over seventeen people have died

Homicide like never before, and the year is barely half-done
Gang signs in peaceful suburbs; the well-off children have guns
Murder-suicides, husbands and wives, both white and black ones
Club Super C's was shut down; most only came out to have fun

Now, as I wander His wisdom, to wonder I have no choice
That while I did tremble sincerely at the roll of His voice
The thunder of those summers was much quieter than this noise
I wouldn't feel so close to Hell if it was just a bit moist

Now near the end of this summer, as children return to school
I pray the hot summer has passed; I fear the heat will still rule
As I once prayed away storms, I now pray away the damned fool
But maybe all along it was the rain that kept us so cool


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